
Cartoon network games batman brave and the bold
Cartoon network games batman brave and the bold

You also get what the game calls 'jump-in-heroes' which are basically - for those of you that have played any Capcom or SNK fighting game - strikers which you can use throughout the game to inflict massive damage to multiple enemies.

cartoon network games batman brave and the bold

The character selection is great - playable characters include Batman, Robin, Jaime Reyes Blue Beetle (!), Guy Gardner (!!) and Hawkman - Bat-Mite is also playable if you link the DS version of the game, a functionality I sadly did not test. Let me start with the good things about this game - and there are more good than bad. As a result, you, dear reader, get a review. However, I didn't anticipate being able to play for awhile, until a subscriber from Acme allowed me to borrow his copy and give it a shot.

cartoon network games batman brave and the bold cartoon network games batman brave and the bold

So, when a game was announced that would be based on the unexpectedly brilliant Batman: The Brave and the Bold cartoon from Cartoon Network, I was excited, to say the least. Batman is a character that's been really hit or miss as far as video games go - for every Arkham Asylum or LEGO Batman, you get a Batman Forever or Justice League Task Force.

Cartoon network games batman brave and the bold